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CHAPTER 11   •  Motivating and Rewarding Employees    381
                       2015;  and  P. Cohen, “One   Revive Start-Up Spark,” New York   Fear Alibaba,”  Forbes, www    ‘Unparalleled   Ruthlessness’
                         Company’s New Minimum Wage:   Times Online, January 20, 2011;, July 8, 2015; “Ali-  Awaits Jack Ma’s Letter to Alib-
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                       Online, April 13, 2015.    Works to Retain Nimble Minds,”   E-Commerce Giant,”  The Poli-  China Daily – “Alibaba ponders
                     76.  J. D’onfro and K. Smith, “Google   New York Times Online, November   tic, October 17, 2014;  W. Fick,   ways to keep flock together”. He
                       Employees Reveal  Their Favorite   28, 2010; A. Efrati and P-W. Tam,   “The Secret to   Alibaba’s Cul-  Wei June 6, 2014 16 The Econo-
                       Perks about Working for the Com-  “Google Battles to Keep  Talent,”   ture is Jack Ma’s  Apartment,”   mist –“China’s Carnegie”. May
                       pany,” http://www.businessinsider   Wall Street Journal, November   Harvard Business  Review, June   3, 2014 17 South China Morning
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                       perks-2014-7, July 1, 2014; J. B.   3,000 Applications a Day, Google   Ruthlessness’  Awaits Jack Ma’s   ing US$12 a month than living as
                       Stewart, “Looking for a Lesson in   Can Be Picky,”  USA Today, May   Letter to  Alibaba Employees,”   a billionaire”. Zen Soo. June 10,
                       Google’s Perks,”  New York Times   19, 2010, 2B; S. E. Ante and K.   The Wall Street Journal, May 7,   2015 18 Forbes Asia – “A Peek
                       Online, March 15, 2013; “100 Best   Weisul,  “And Google  Begat  …,”   2014; H. Shao, “A Peek Inside     Inside  Alibaba’s Corporate Cul-
                       Companies to Work For,” Fortune,   Bloomberg BusinessWeek, March   Alibaba’s Corporate Culture,”   ture”. Heng Shao. May 13, 2014.
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                       Wall Street Journal, April 7, 2011,, May 12, 2008;  K.D. Davis, E.L. Kelly, O.M. Bux-
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                       Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes   fered by Google and Others May   IPO  Approaches, Founder Jack   and L. Berkman, “Intervention Ef-
                       Our Lives (New  York: Simon &   Be Grand, But  They’re All Busi-  Ma Pens Letter to Potential In-  fects  On Safety Compliance  And
                       Schuster, 2011); C. C. Miller and   ness,”  Knowledge  @ Wharton,   vestors.” Ryan Mac Sept 5, 2014   Citizenship Behaviors: Evidence
                       J. Wortham, “Silicon Valley Hiring   http://knowledge.wharton.upenn   10 Forbes Asia – “A Peek Inside   From  The  Work,  Family, And
                       Perks: Meals, iPads, and a Cubicle   .edu/article (March 21, 2007).  Alibaba’s Corporate  Culture”.   Health Study,”  Journal  of Ap-
                       for Spot,” New York Times Online,    77.  J. D’Onfro, “How Jack Ma Went   Heng Shao. May 13, 2014 11   plied Psychology, 2015, http://
                       March 26, 2011; J. Light, “Google   From Being  A Poor School   Business  Insider – “How Jack Ma
                       Is No. 1 on List of Desired Em-    Teacher To Turning Alibaba Into   Went From  Being A Poor School   optionToBuy&id=2015-40868-001.
                       ployers,”  Wall Street Journal,   A $168 Billion Behemoth,” Busi-  Teacher To Turning Alibaba Into   Emily Peck, “LinkedIn Now
                       March 21, 2011, B8; M Moskow-  ness Insider, May 7, 2014; Z.   A $168 Billion Behemoth” Jil-    Offering Employees  ‘Unlimited’
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                       “100  Best  Companies to  Work   ing US$12 a month than living   Forbes  Asia–“A Peek Inside
                       For,”  Fortune, February 7, 2011,   as a billionaire,” South China   Alibaba’s Corporate  Culture”.   entry/linkedin-unlimited-vacation-
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