Page 377 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 377
376 Part 4 • Leading
Discussion Questions 11-16 Choose one of the contemporary motivation theories dis-
cussed in the chapter and write a description of it for Mr. Price,
11-14 Look back at the chapter-opening Management Myth and explaining how and why it would be a good alternative for
how it was “debunked.” Evaluate this wage decision in light employee motivation.
of that.
11-17 What problem(s) might managers face under this new pay
11-15 Explain each of the employee productivity/motivation approach and how could they use knowledge about employee
concerns. Which of these do you think is most critical? Why? motivation to help them deal with those problem(s)?
Alibaba: Motivation for the Long Haul
he Alibaba Group is China’s largest e-commerce com- ideas at all levels. Each employee adopts a nickname to help
pany. Its main platforms—Taobao, Tmall, and Alipay— reduce a sense of hierarchy in hopes of spurring innovative
Toffer the largest online market place for Chinese busi- dialogue. Annual events, such as Alifest, celebrate employees
nesses and consumers to connect. Alibaba has evolved into and customer unity. During these jovial celebrations, Ma has
a business giant with company acquisitions reaching into an been known to wear dazzling costumes and sing. Employees
array of industries such as entertainment, real estate, mobile are taken care of beyond their paychecks with access to ben-
technology, and finance. Its recent IPO on the New York Stock efits like iHome, Alibaba’s own mortgage fund used to fund
Exchange (NYSE) reflects its dominance in the area. Wall interest-free loans for employees.
Street history was made when the company raised $25 billion Despite such motivators, the company faces various chal-
as capital. No longer confined to the emerging online markets lenges related to retention. Losing employees who possess
of China, Alibaba now plays on an international level with critical knowledge threaten its long- term vision despite attract-
plans to compete for customers from around the world. 77 ing new talent. With over a quarter of its employees owning
Jack Ma, Alibaba’s founder and executive chairman, fuels company shares, the temptation to cash out and walk away is
the motivation and inspiration for the company’s competitive common as the company rides the waves of the Wall Street.
spirit. Alibaba’s bedrocks rest in his desires for making dreams In response, Ma has penned letters to employees not
come true and for creating a to forget the company’s ideal of
lively atmosphere where employ- keeping the customer first and to
ees strive for success as a fam- Motivating employees consider the longer journey. Ma
ily. These ideals can be traced the RIGHT WAY cautions employees to be careful of
back to the company’s roots. wealth’s seductive side and to keep
Ma, along with 17 co-founders, the greater good at heart. Such talk
launched the Alibaba Web site from his humble six-room apart- is reflected in Ma’s actions and statements.
ment. In his living room, the determined group set out to not Now one of the world’s leading billionaires, Ma keeps
only become one of the world’s top Internet companies, but to his focus on motivations beyond just money. He has set up
also be one that will survive for 102 years. Ma and his team’s numerous charities focusing on education, the environment,
‘innovative spirit’ believed that together they could achieve and health. In a recent presentation to the Economic Club of
the extraordinary by valuing the customer and focusing on the New York, he reflected on how happiness does not always
future. The company now has over 34,000 employees and con- come with money indicating that some of his happiest times
tinues to grow; and Ma’s motto of ‘customer first, employee occurred when he was making $12 a month as an English
second, and shareholder third’ holds true even today. school teacher. The question that remains is whether these
Alibaba’s leaders try hard to maintain the culture that ideals keep Alibaba on its path towards 102 years.
was established during those first days in Ma’s apartment.
Despite having offices worldwide and a 17.2 acre campus for Discussion Questions
its headquarters, the company seeks to retain a transparent 11-18 Alibaba has a vision to be a 102 year old company. How could
environment where employees are encouraged to challenge a manager motivate an employee to stay and effectively