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CHAPTER 11   •  Motivating and Rewarding Employees    379
                       A Meta-Analysis,”  Psychologi-  Harvard Business Review, July–  Perception: Differential Effects on    Motivation,”  The Organizational
                       cal Bulletin, September 1998,   August 2010, 46–51; D. A. Wren   Behavioral and  Attitudinal Out-  Behavior Teaching Review 12, no.
                       240–61;  A. Bandura, “Cultivate   and A. G. Bedeian, The Evolution   comes,”  Personnel  Psychology,   4 (1987–1988): 141–43.
                       Self-Efficacy for Personal and   of  Management Thought (New   Spring 1987, 113–27; and C.  T.    38.  “100 Best Companies to  Work
                       Organizational Effectiveness,” in   York: John  Wiley & Sons, Inc.,   Kulik and M. L. Ambrose, “Per-  For,”  Fortune, February 7, 2011,
                       E. Locke (ed.), Handbook of Prin-  2009);  F. Herzberg,  One  More   sonal and Situational Determi-  91+;  V. Nayar, “Employee Hap-
                       ciples of Organizational Behavior   Time: How Do You Motivate Em-  nants of Referent Choice,” Acad-  piness: Zappos vs. HCL,”  Busi-
                       (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2004),   ployees? (Boston, MA: Harvard   emy of Management Review, April, January 5, 2011;
                       120–36; and F. Q. Fu, K. A. Rich-  Business School Press, 2008); and   1992, 212–37.  D. Richards, “At Zappos, Culture
                       ards, and E. Jones, “The Motiva-  F. Herzberg, B. Mausner, and B.    34.  See, for example, R. C. Dailey   Pays,”  Strategy+Business Online,
                       tion Hub: Effects of Goal Setting   B. Snyderman, The Motivation to   and D. J. Kirk, “Distributive and   Autumn 2010;  T. Hseih, “Zap-
                       and  Self-Efficacy on  Effort  and   Work.            Procedural Justice as Antecedents   pos’s CEO on Going to Extremes
                       New Product Sales,”  Journal of    30.  G. Van Der Vegt, B. Emans, and   of Job Dissatisfaction and Intent   for Customers,”  Harvard Busi-
                       Personal Selling & Sales Manage-  E. Van  Der Vliert,  “Motivating   to Turnover,”  Human Relations,   ness Review, July–August 2010,
                       ment (Summer 2009): 277–92.  Effects of Task and Outcome In-  March 1992, 305–16; D. B. Mc-  41–45;  A. Perschel, “Work-Life
                     25.  A. Bandura and D. Cervone,   terdependence  in Work  Teams,”   Farlin and P. D. Sweeney, “Dis-  Flow: How Individuals, Zappos,
                       “Differential Engagement in Self-  Journal of Managerial Psychology   tributive and Procedural Justice   and Other Innovative Compa-
                       Reactive Influences in Cognitively   (July 2000): 829; and B. Bemmels,   as Predictors of Satisfaction with   nies Achieve High Engagement,”
                       Based Motivation,” Organization-  “Local Union Leaders’ Satisfac-  Personal and Organizational Out-  Global Business & Organizational
                       al Behavior and Human Decision   tion with Grievance Procedures,”   comes,” Academy of Management   Excellence, July 2010, 17–30; and
                       Processes, August 1986, 92–113;   Journal of Labor Research (Sum-  Journal (August 1992): 626–37;   J.  M. O’Brien, “Zappos  Know
                       and R. Ilies and T. A. Judge, “Goal   mer 2001): 653–69.  M. A. Konovsky, “Understanding   How to Kick It,” Fortune, Febru-
                       Regulation  across Time: The  Ef-   31.  J. S.  Adams, “Inequity in Social   Procedural Justice and  Its  Im-  ary 2, 2009, 54–60.
                       fects of Feedback and  Affect,”   Exchanges,” in L. Berkowitz (ed.),   pact on Business Organizations,”   39. T.  Barber,  “Inspire  Your
                       Journal of  Applied Psychology   Advances in Experimental Social   Journal of Management 26, no. 3    Employees   Now,”   Bloombeg
                       (May 2005): 453–67.        Psychology, vol. 2 (New  York:   (2000):  489–511;  J.  A.  Colquitt,   BusinessWeek Online, May 18,
                     26.  See J. C.  Anderson and C.  A.   Academic Press, 1965): 267–300;   “Does the Justice of One Interact   2010; D. Mattioli, “CEOs  Wel-
                       O’Reilly, “Effects of an Orga-  and M. L. Ambrose and C. T. Ku-  with the Justice of Many? Re-  come Recovery  to Look  After
                       nizational Control System on   lik, “Old Friends, New Faces: Mo-  actions to Procedural Justice in   Staff,”  Wall Street Journal, April
                         Managerial Satisfaction and Per-  tivation Research in the 1990s.”  Teams,”  Journal  of  Applied  Psy-  5, 2010, B5;  J. Sullivan, “How
                       formance,” Human Relations, June    32.  See, for example, R. L. Bell, “Ad-  chology (August 2004): 633–46;   Do  We  Keep People  Motivated
                       1981, 491–501; and J. P. Meyer, B.   dressing  Employees’  Feelings   J. Brockner, “Why It’s So Hard   Following Layoffs?”  Workforce
                       Schacht-Cole, and I. R. Gellatly,   of Inequity,”  Supervision, May   to Be Fair,” Harvard Business Re-  Management Online, March 2010;
                       “An Examination of the Cognitive   2011, 3–6; P. S. Goodman and   view, March 2006, 122–29; and B.   S. Crabtree, “How to Bolster Em-
                       Mechanisms  by  Which Assigned   A. Friedman, “An Examination   M. Wiesenfeld, W. B. Swann Jr.,   ployees’ Confidence,”  The Gal-
                       Goals Affect  Task  Performance   of  Adams’  Theory of Inequity,”   J. Brockner, and C. A. Bartel, “Is   lup Management Journal Online,
                       and Reactions to Performance,”   Administrative Science Quarterly,   More Fairness Always Preferred:   February 25, 2010; S. E. Needle-
                       Journal of Applied Social Psychol-  September 1971, 271–88; M. R.   Self-Esteem Moderates Reactions   man, “Business Owners  Try to
                       ogy 18, no. 5 (1988): 390–408.  Carrell, “A Longitudinal Field   to Procedural Justice,”  Academy   Motivate  Employees,” Wall Street
                     27.  See, for example, R.  W. Griffin,   Assessment of Employee Percep-  of Management Journal (October   Journal, January 14, 2010, B5; H.
                       “Toward an Integrated Theory of   tions of Equitable  Treatment,”   2007): 1235–53.  Mintzberg,  “Rebuilding  Compa-
                       Task Design,” in L. L. Cummings   Organizational Behavior and Hu-   35.  See, for example,  V. H.  Vroom,   nies as Communities,”  Harvard
                       and B. M. Staw (eds.),  Research   man Performance, February 1978,   “Organizational Choice: A Study   Business Review, July–August,
                       in Organizational Behavior, vol.   108–18; E. Walster, G. W. Walster,   of Pre- and Postdecision Process-  2009, 140–43; and R. Luss, “En-
                       9 (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press,   and  W. G. Scott,  Equity: Theory   es,” Organizational Behavior and   gaging Employees through Peri-
                       1987), 79–120; and M. Campion,   and Research (Boston:  Allyn &   Human Performance, April 1966,   ods  of  Layoffs,”  Towers Watson,
                       “Interdisciplinary Approaches  to   Bacon, 1978); R. G. Lord and   212–25; L.  W. Porter and E. E. (March
                       Job Design: A Constructive Rep-  J.  A. Hohenfeld, “Longitudinal   Lawler III,  Managerial Attitudes   3, 2009).
                       lication with Extensions,” Journal   Field  Assessment of Equity Ef-  and Performance (Homewood, IL:    40.  N. J.  Adler with  A. Gunder-
                       of Applied  Psychology (August   fects on the Performance of Major   Richard D. Irwin, 1968); W. Van   sen,  International Dimensions of
                       1988): 467–81.             League Baseball Players,” Journal   Eerde  and  H.  Thierry, “Vroom’s    Organizational  Behavior, 5th ed.
                     28.  See J. R. Hackman and G. R. Old-  of Applied  Psychology (February   Expectancy Models and Work-Re-  (Cincinnati, OH: Thomson South-
                       ham, “Motivation  Through the   1979): 19–26; J. E. Dittrich and   lated Criteria: A Meta-Analysis,”   Western, 2008).
                       Design of Work: Test of a Theory,”   M. R. Carrell, “Organizational   Journal of  Applied Psychology    41.  G. Hofstede, “Motivation, Leader-
                       Organizational Behavior and Hu-  Equity  Perceptions,  Employee   (October 1996):  575–86;  and  M.   ship and Organization: Do Ameri-
                       man Performance, August  1976,   Job Satisfaction, and Departmen-  L. Ambrose and C. T. Kulik, “Old   can Theories Apply Abroad?” Or-
                       250–79; Y. Fried and G. R. Ferris,   tal Absence and Turnover Rates,”   Friends, New Faces: Motivation   ganizational Dynamics,  Summer
                       “The Validity of the Job Character-  Organizational Behavior and Hu-  Research in the 1990s.”  1980, 55.
                       istics Model: A Review and Meta   man Performance, August  1979,    36.  Right or Wrong box based on Bor-   42.  Ibid.
                       Analysis,”  Personnel Psychology,   29–40; and J. Greenberg, “Cogni-  ders Group, Inc., 2010 Form 10-K,    43.  J. K. Giacobbe-Miller, D. J. Miller,
                       Summer 1987, 287–322; S. J. Zac-  tive Reevaluation of Outcomes in (June 6, 2011); J.   and V. I. Victorov, “A Comparison
                       caro and E. F. Stone, “Incremental   Response to Underpayment Ineq-  Checkler, “Judge Clears Bonuses at   of Russian and U.S. Pay Alloca-
                       Validity of an Empirically Based   uity,”  Academy of Management   Borders,” Wall Street Journal, April   tion Decisions, Distributive Justice
                       Measure of Job Characteristics,”   Journal (March 1989): 174–84.  23–24,  2011, B3; “News  Briefs,”   Judgments and Productivity under
                       Journal of  Applied Psychology    33.  P. S. Goodman, “An Examination   Publishers Weekly, April 11, 2011,   Different  Payment  Conditions,”
                       (May 1988): 245–52; and R.  W.   of Referents Used in the Evalua-  4+; P. Brickley, “Borders Seeks to   Personnel Psychology, Spring
                       Renn and R. J. Vandenberg, “The   tion of Pay,”  Organizational Be-  Hand Out $8.3 Million in Bonuses,”   1998, 137–63.
                       Critical Psychological States: An   havior and Human Performance,   Wall Street Journal, March 26,    44.  S. L. Mueller and L. D. Clarke,
                       Underrepresented Component in   October 1974, 170–95; S. Ronen,   2011, B2; and J. A.  Trachtenberg   “Political-Economic Context  and
                       Job Characteristics Model Re-  “Equity Perception in Multiple   and M. Spector, “For Borders, a   Sensitivity to Equity: Differences
                       search,”  Journal of Management   Comparisons:  A Field Study,”   Scramble to Be Lean,” Wall Street   between the United States and the
                       (February 1995): 279–303.  Human Relations, April  1986,   Journal, March 14, 2011, B1.  Transition Economies of Central
                     29.  From the Past to the Present box   333–46; R. W. Scholl, E. A. Coo-   37.  See, for instance, M. Siegall,   and Eastern Europe,” Academy of
                       based on C. M. Christensen, “How   per, and J. F. McKenna, “Referent   “The Simplistic Five:  An Inte-  Management Journal (June 1998):
                       Will You  Measure Your  Life?”   Selection in Determining Equity   grative Framework for  Teaching   319–29.
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