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378 Part 4 • Leading
1. P. Bronson, “What Should I Do ior and Human Performance, April for the Twenty-First Century,” “Effects of Task Complexity and
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2. SmartPulse, “How Well Do You of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy in an Ambrose and C. T. Kulik, “Old Setting and Task Performance,”
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emy of Management Review, July nal of Managerial Issues (Summer of a Motivational Technique,” in ers,” Journal of Applied Psychol-
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4. A. Adkins, “U.S. Employee The Human Side of Enterprise (eds.), Research in Organizational G. Harkins and M. D. Lowe, “The
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5. J. Krueger and E. Killham, “At Graw-Hill, 2006); and G. Heil, W. and Fallacies about Goal Theory: McMahon, “The Effects of Goal
Work, Feeling Good Matters,” Bennis, and D. C. Stephens, Doug- Reply to Deci,” Psychological Sci- Setting, External Feedback, and
Gallup Management Journal, las McGregor, Revisited: Manag- ence, January 1993, 63–64; M. E. Self-Generated Feedback on Out- (December ing the Human Side of Enterprise Tubbs, “Commitment as a Mod- come Variables: A Field Experi-
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6. “Maslow Motion,” New States- 10. F. Herzberg, B. Mausner, and B. Relation: A Case for Clearer Journal (June 1982): 359–72; and
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Review, October 2000, 696–701; 1959); F. Herzberg, The Manage- ary 1993): 86–97; M. P. Colling- 22. J. R. Hollenbeck, C. R. Williams,
M. L. Ambrose and C. T. Kulik, rial Choice: To Be Effective or wood, “Why Don’t You Use the and H. J. Klein, “An Empirical
“Old Friends, New Faces: Mo- to Be Human, rev. ed. (Salt Lake Research?” Management Deci- Examination of the Antecedents of
tivation Research in the 1990s,” City: Olympus, 1982); R. M. sion, May 1993, 48–54; M. E. Commitment to Difficult Goals,”
Journal of Management 25, no. 3 Creech, “Employee Motivation”; Tubbs, D. M. Boehne, and J. S. Journal of Applied Psychology
(1999): 231–92; A. Maslow, D. C. and M. L. Ambrose and C. T. Ku- Dahl, “Expectancy, Valence, and (February 1989): 18–23; see, also,
Stephens, and G. Heil, Maslow on lik, “Old Friends, New Faces: Mo- Motivational Force Functions in J. C. Wofford, V. L. Goodwin, and
Management (New York: John Wi- tivation Research in the 1990s.” Goal-Setting Research: An Em- S. Premack, “Meta-Analysis of
ley & Sons, 1998); and A. Maslow, 11. D. C. McClelland, The Achieving pirical Test,” Journal of Applied the Antecedents of Personal Goal
Motivation and Personality (New Society (New York: Van Nostrand Psychology (June 1993): 361–73; Level and of the Antecedents and
York: McGraw-Hill, 1954). Reinhold, 1961); J. W. Atkinson E. A. Locke, “Motivation Through Consequences of Goal Commit-
7. R. Coutts, “A Pilot Study for the and J. O. Raynor, Motivation and Conscious Goal Setting,” Applied ment,” Journal of Management
Analysis of Dream Reports Using Achievement (Washington, DC: and Preventive Psychology, vol. 5 (September 1992): 595–615;
Maslow’s Need Categories: An Winston, 1974); D. C. McClel- (1996): 117–24; M. L. Ambrose Tubbs, “Commitment as a Mod-
Extension to the Emotional Selec- land, Power: The Inner Experi- and C. T. Kulik, “Old Friends, erator of the Goal-Performance
tion Hypothesis,” Psychological ence (New York: Irvington, 1975); New Faces: Motivation Research Relation”; J. W. Smither, M.
Reports, October 2010, 659–73; E. and M. J. Stahl, Managerial and in the 1990s; E. A. Locke and G. London, and R. R. Reilly, “Does
A. Fisher, “Motivation and Leader- Technical Motivation: Assessing P. Latham, “Building a Practically Performance Improve Following
ship in Social Work Management: Needs for Achievement, Power, Useful Theory of Goal Setting Multisource Feedback? A Theo-
A Review of Theories and Related and Affiliation (New York: Prae- and Task Motivation: A 35-Year retical Model, Meta-Analysis, and
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Power of the Pyramid: The Foun- perience; D. C. McClelland and D. riching Goal-Setting Theory with 23. M. E. Gist, “Self-Efficacy: Impli-
dation of Human Psychology and, H. Burnham, “Power Is the Great Time: An Integrated Approach,” cations for Organizational Behav-
Thereby, of Motivation, Maslow’s Motivator,” Harvard Business Re- Academy of Management Review, ior and Human Resource Manage-
Hierarchy Is One Powerful Pyra- view, March–April 1976, 100–10. July 2004, 404–22; G. P. Latham, ment,” Academy of Management
mid,” Incentive (July 2002): 10. 14. D. Miron and D. C. McClelland, “The Motivational Benefits of Review, July 1987, 472–85; and A.
8. See, for example, M. L. Ambrose “The Impact of Achievement Mo- Goal-Setting,” Academy of Man- Bandura, Self-Efficacy: The Exer-
and C. T. Kulik, “Old Friends, tivation Training on Small Busi- agement Executive, November cise of Control (New York: Free-
New Faces: Motivation Research nesses,” California Management 2004, 126–29; and G. Yeo, S. Loft, man, 1997).
in the 1990s”; J. Rowan, “Ascent Review, Summer 1979, 13–28. T. Xiao, and C. Kiewitz, “Goal 24. E. A. Locke, E. Frederick, C. Lee,
and Descent in Maslow’s Theory,” 15. “McClelland: An Advocate of Orientation and Performance: and P. Bobko, “Effect of Self-
Journal of Humanistic Psychol- Power,” International Manage- Differential Relationships Across Efficacy, Goals, and Task Strate-
ogy (Summer 1999): 125–33; ment, July 1975, 27–29. Levels of Analysis and as a Func- gies on Task Performance,” Jour-
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Journal of Humanistic Psychol- Bloomberg BusinessWeek, January Applied Psychology (May 2009): 1984): 241–51; M. E. Gist and
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Creech, “Employee Motivation,” 17. R. M. Steers, R. T. Mowday, and 20. J. A. Wagner III, “Participation’s Theoretical Analysis of Its Deter-
Management Quarterly, Summer D. L. Shapiro, “The Future of Effects on Performance and Sat- minants and Malleability,” Acad-
1995, 33–39; E. E. Lawler III and Work Motivation Theory”; E. A. isfaction: A Reconsideration of emy of Management Review, April
J. L. Suttle, “A Causal Correla- Locke and G. P. Latham, “What Research and Evidence,” Acad- 1992, 183–211; A. D. Stajkovic
tional Test of the Need Hierarchy Should We Do about Motivation emy of Management Review, April and F. Luthans, “Self-Efficacy
Concept,” Organizational Behav- Theory? Six Recommendations 1994, 312–30; J. George-Falvey, and Work-Related Performance: