Page 374 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
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dIScuSSIoN QueSTIoNS                          CHAPTER 11   •  Motivating and Rewarding Employees    373

                     11-1  Most of us have to work for a living, and a job is a     11-6  What are some advantages of using pay-for-performance
                          central part of our lives. So why do managers have to   programs to motivate employee performance? Are there
                          worry so much about employee motivation issues?       drawbacks? Explain.
                      11-2  What is motivation? Explain the three key elements of     11-7  Many job design experts who have studied the
                          motivation.                                           changing nature of work say that people do their best
                      11-3  Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory is a flawed model.   work when they’re motivated by a sense of purpose
                          Discuss this statement using examples to support your   rather than by the pursuit of money. Do you agree?
                          answer.                                               Explain your position. What are the implications for
                      11-4  What role would money play in (a) the hierarchy of
                          needs theory, (b) two-factor theory, (c) equity theory,     11-8  As a manager, what will you need to know about goal-
                          (d) expectancy theory, and (e) motivating employees   setting theory as a motivation tool?
                          with a high nAch?                                 11-9  Can an individual be too motivated? Discuss.
                      11-5  What are some of the possible consequences of   11-10  What challenges do managers face in motivating
                            employees perceiving an inequity between their inputs    today’s workforce?
                          and outcomes and those of others?


                     Go to for the following Assisted-graded writing questions:

                     11-11  What economic and cross-cultural challenges face   11-13  MyManagementLab Only – comprehensive writing
                           when motivating employees?                         assignment for this chapter.

                     11-12  What are the three variables in expectancy theory
                           and how do they explain motivation?

                    Management Skill Builder      beING A Good MoTIvAToR

                    Great managers are great motivators. They’re able to find the magic “potion” that stimulates employees to
                    reach their full potential. The fact that there are hundreds of business books on motivation and dozens of
                    experts who make a living by putting on motivation seminars only confirms the importance of this topic to
                    managerial effectiveness.

                       PERSoNAl INVENToRy ASSESSMENT                                  P     I    A    PERSONAL

                    Work Motivation Indicator

                    How motivated are you? Use this PIA to assess your own level of work motivation. You
                    could also use it to assess others’ levels of work motivation.
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