Page 88 - Fundamentals of Management Myths Debunked (2017)_Flat
P. 88

CHAPTER 3   •  Integrative Managerial Issues    87
                                           ◂ ◂ ◂  From the Past to the Present                  ▸ ▸ ▸

                                                                           • Uncertainty avoidance.  This dimension assesses the
                               Hofstede’s 5 Dimensions                       degree to which people in a country prefer structured
                                   of National Culture                       over unstructured situations and whether people are will-
                                                                             ing to take risks.
                     An illuminating study of the differences in cultural environments   • Long-term versus short-term  orientation.  People in
                     was conducted by Geert Hofstede in the 1970s and 1980s.    cultures  with long-term  orientations look  to the future
                     He surveyed more than 116,000 IBM employees in 40 countries   and value thrift and persistence. A short-term orientation
                     about their work-related values and found that managers and   values the past and present and emphasizes respect for
                     employees vary on five dimensions of national culture:  tradition and fulfilling social obligations.
                      • Power distance. The degree to which people in a coun-  The table below shows a few highlights  of four  of
                        try accept  that power in  institutions  and  organizations     Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and how different countries
                        is distributed unequally. It ranges from relatively  equal   rank on those dimensions.
                        (low power distance) to extremely unequal (high power   If your professor has assigned this, go to the Assignments
                                                                          section of to complete these dis-
                      • Individualism versus collectivism.                                      cussion questions.
                        Individualism is the degree to which
                        people  in  a  country  prefer  to  act  as   Here’s one way                Talk About It 1: Using Hof-
                        individuals rather than as members of                                   stede’s data for Mexico and the
                        groups. Collectivism is the equivalent   to UNDERSTAND                  United States, how do you think
                        of low individualism.                                                   employees in  each country (a)
                                                                                                might react to a team-based re-
                      • Achievement   versus  nurturing.          CULTURAL                      wards program; (b) would be like-
                        Quantity of life is the degree to which   DIFFERENCES!                  ly to view their relationship with
                        values such as assertiveness, the                                       their boss; and (c) might react to
                        acquisition  of money and material                                      a change in work processes?
                        goods, and  competition are important. Quality of life is
                        the degree to which people value relationships and show      Talk About It 2: What does this example tell you about
                        sensitivity and concern for the welfare of others.  the importance of understanding cultural  differences?

                                                    Individualism/  Power       Uncertainty    Achievement/
                                     Country        Collectivism    Distance    Avoidance      Nurturing a
                                     Australia      Individual      Small       Moderate       Strong
                                     Canada         Individual      Moderate    Low            Moderate
                                     England        Individual      Small       Moderate       Strong
                                     France         Individual      Large       High           Weak
                                     Greece         Collective      Large       High           Moderate
                                     Italy          Individual      Moderate    High           Strong
                                     Japan          Collective      Moderate    High           Strong
                                     Mexico         Collective      Large       High           Strong
                                     Singapore      Collective      Large       Low            Moderate
                                     Sweden         Individual      Small       Low            Weak
                                     United States  Individual      Small       Low            Strong
                                     Venezuela      Collective      Large       High           Strong
                                     a A weak achievement score is equivalent to high nurturing.
                                     Source: Based on G. Hofstede, “Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theories
                                     Apply Abroad?” Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1980): 42–63.
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