Page 31 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 31

We  maybe  can't  save  them                              I  do  believe  activities  like

      all,  but  we  can  try.  Animals                         poaching                  is           wrong.

      are part of our lives and the                             However,  animals  that  are

      environment.  To  support                                 naturally  dying  due  to

      my argument, please donate                                change            in       environment

      at worldwildlife.Org/. Thank                              should not be protected. The

      you.                                                      environments are changing

                                                                because  we  humans  are
            Animals               were           here

            before  us  and  we  can't                          trying  to  improve.  Unless
                                                                you want to put a stop to the
            lose them to extinction                             progress              of        humanity,

      These animals are beautiful                               animals  can  never  truly  be

      creatures  and  deserve  to                               successfully saved.

      stay alive.Its are job to keep

      them alive not to kill them.                                     Mother  Nature  is  doing

      It's called murder if you kill                                   her job.

      an animal and human their                                 I don't mean to be the bad

      lives matter to they are the                              guy in this argument in this

      reason  everthing  is  here                               topic,           but          we           keep

      they         shape      the             forest            forgetting that this is part of

      ,population, River and more                               nature  natural  selection.

      we need them in are live no                               The strong survive while the

      one  wants  to  live  a  life                             weak are left out. The world

      without seeing thing                                      is a cruel thing but we need

                                                                to face fact whether we like
            We              should               save           it or not.

            endangered animals
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