Page 36 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 36

Those who can - do, those who can’t – teach

                             You will be happier if you stay unmarried

                             Software piracy is not really a crime

                             We do not really need religion

                             Your race affects your intelligence

                             Euthanasia should be legal

                             Obesity is a disease

                             Video games contribute to youth violence

                             Drinking age should be lowered

                             Steroids should be accepted in sports

                             Cloning has a lot of benefits

                             Corporal punishment should be allowed in


                        After  you  choose  the  topic,  discuss  the  topic

                        with  your  group  for  30  minutes  (decided  who

                        will be in pro and who will be in contra side),

                        then present the topic in front of the class as in

                        debating forum!


                           Make a resume of pro and contra argument of

                           your group in format of table!
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