Page 32 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 32
We need to save animals The world is changing for
because every single animal the better or worse we are at
has a purpose in our world. the top and all else is below
Although people might say us. I want to save endanger
we shouldn't help them animal for future
because it would cost to generation, but nature put
much and they don't want us at the top for a reason. No
themselves to go broke. I fact just my opinion. Sorry if
think we should no matter your mad at me, but i just
what because they all have a want to speak my mind.
purpose. They can even be
food. Stop Protecting Species
If species are saved just
The answer is pretty cause we feel sorry for them
obvious. Why wouldn't then thats the exact mindset
you help a fellow of a hoarder. We do not need
organism? to play hero to animals and
Many animals are dying out satisfy our hoarding need.
due to HUMANS poaching, Let nature take its course,
HUMANS invading their thats the way it was always
territory and HUMAN'S meant to be. For example, its
factories polluting their very stupid to save a certain
habitats. It's time for us to species of frog just cause it
repent and be forgiven by has yellow spots on its body
giving them a new chance at
life. We have killed to many Should we pay for
of them, unintentionally or worthless animals?