Page 33 - UKBM Bahasa Inggris
P. 33

As  well  as  that,  how  would                           Why  the  hell  should  we  pay

      you  feel  if  there  were  more                          for  animals  to  be  looked

      powerful  beings  that  could                             after  when  they  cant  even

      help you but are to selfish to                            look  after  themselves??  We

      do  so?  They  have  a  right  to                         dont  even  need  animals

      live.  It  may  cost  time  and                           because  they  are  a  waste  of

      money,  but  you  are  saving                             space and a waste of peoples

      lives,  which  is  the  most                              money.  People  who  are

      precious of them all.                                     prepared             to       'adopt'           or

                                                                'sponsor'            an        endangered
            Of course we should!                                animal  must  clearly  be

      Nature  isn’t  the  one  who  is                          insane.

      killing of the animals it is us.

      So it is right that we should

      protect them and then again

      imagine             if        you          were

      being,hunted  down  just  to

      be made into a jacket is this

      really  nature  or  humans

      endangering animals. Is also

      really  a  waste  of  money  to

      help  animals  survive.  If  you

      don’t support that you don’t

      deserve  money  to  try  and

      keep you alive.

             (taken        from:

             protect-endangered-species Access on July 1, 2018)
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