Page 11 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 11

Grammatical Terms

          The following are brief explanations of some grammatical terms used in this

        Active Sentence   A  sentence which describes an action from the agent's
        point of  view.  (cf. Passive Sentence)  In active sentences, the subject is the
        agent.  Sentences (a)  and  (b) below  are  an  active and  a passive  sentence,
          (a)   CAY^ 9% L*=T:,
              (The teacher scolded John.)
          (b)  7 3 9C2%&b:   L*l;fLl:o
              (John was scolded by the teacher.)

        Agent    One who initiates and /or completes an  action or an event.  The
         agent is not always in the subject position.  Compare the positions of the agent
        Bill in (a) and (b).
          (a)  ell.b;t~-.tfBb= f.,
              (Bill hit Martha.)
          (b)  T--tfGie)bb:LT.fLl&
              (Martha was hit by Bill.)

         Appositive  Clause (Construction)   A  clause which modifies a noun  (01
         noun phrase) and explains what the modified noun is.  In (a),  Meari ga Tomu ni
         affa 'Mary met Tom'  is an appositive clause, and is what jijirsu  'the fact' refers
              )ItL                  C CQ   L
          (a)  $L ~2% 71) -75'1'  ~c:&~~:~~%~~-cL~&.
              (I know the fact that Mary met Tom.)

         Auxiliary  Adjective   Adependent  adjective  that  is  preceded  by  and
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