Page 14 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 14

           (c)  $~~~fi~%~kfif%7fc%~b@T?~b1~
               (If Mr. Yamada calls me, please let me know.)

         Continual Verb   A verb which represents a continual action, as in (a).
           (a)  49 (to wait);   (to eat); %a (to dance); &R 6  (to teach)
         With the auxiliary verb irv, a continual verb expresses an action in progress, as
         in (b).
           (b)  9s 7129 7') -Q%->TL\B,
               (John is waiting for Mary.)

         Contrastive Marker   A particle which marks contrast. For example, when
         X is contrasted with Y,  it is typically marked by the particle wa.  X and Y
         usually appear in S1 and Sz, respectively in S1 ga S2, as shown in (a).

         Coordinate  Conjunction   A conjunction  that  combines  two  sentences
         without subordinating one to the other.  A typical coordinate conjunction is ga
           (a)  %g~ba2~fif, 59 2 ~F*z*~L~
               (I'm running, but I haven't lost any weight at all.)

         Demonstrative   A pronoun or adjective which specifies someone or some-
         thing by pointing it out, as in (a), and (b).
           (a)  {Lh/=f.h/%hl~i%~~-n.,
               (What is {this I that I that over therel?)
           (b)  {LCD%  / ?a$ / %a)$} ti%?a>T-$,
               ({This book I That book I That book over therel is mine.)
          The  interrogative  words  which  correspond  to  demonstrative pronouns  and
          demonstrative adjectives are dore and dono, respectively.
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