Page 16 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 16

           (g)  b A ii+aE@%m%%b~~b~fz~
               (At that time Tom was walking in the park.)

         Double Particle   A sequence of two particles. The first particle is usually a
         case particle and the second is an adverbial particle such as wa 'topic 1 contrast
         marker,' mo 'also, even,'  and shika 'only'  or the possessive particle no.
               t')  PL?
           (a)  ~~fi>%ib&Tlkfl&f:~
               (lit. From Tokyo Mr. Tanaka came.)
           (b)  %ti:   T-S~V~&L~;~
               (I talked with Mr. Miller, too.)
           (c)  z k~ti3b
               (This is a letter from my father.)

          Embedded Sentence   A sentence within another sentence is an embedded
          sentence.  The bold-faced part of  each sentence below is the embedded sen-
          tence.  An embedded sentence is marked by a subordinate conjunction such as
          kara  'because,'  keredomo 'although,'  node  'because,'  noni  'although,'  to  'if,'
          the quote marker to 'that,'  a nominalizer (no or koto) or the head noun of a rel-
          ative clause.
               83. e  hkf   blk   t;,
           (a)  LIIBiiEjfPSjb~kZ~ko
               (Yamada said that he had a headache.)
           (b)  LLIBC~~~PWL\~TO%B%IVI~~
               (Yamada didn't go to school, because he had a headache.)

          Experiencer   A person who experiences s.t. that is beyond human control
          such as ability, desire, need, fondness, and emotion.  A human passive subject
          can also be regarded as an experiencer.  The bold-faced parts of the following
          examples are all experiencers.
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