Page 20 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 20

               (Yamada went to school, although he had a headache.)
               *r:   t;lt  TP
           (b)  m~wg~~~~r;$iifi~
               (Kazuko is happy, because her husband is kind.)
          When  a  sentence has  a  relative clause, the non-relative clause part  is  also
          referred to as a main clause as in (c).
            (c)  %U&D3,  F~~di17t:~~~&'~"it.~

               (Yesterday I watched a video which I borrowed from my friend.)
          Na-type  Adjective   An  adjective whose  nonpast  prenominal form  ends
          with na.  For  example, shizukada  'quiet'  and genkida  'healthy'  are na-type
          adjectives, as in (a).                    (cf. I-type Adjective)
            (a)  #$a%
               (a quiet house)
               (a healthy person)

          Na-type adjectives are very similar to nouns.  Some na-type adjectives can be
          used  as real nouns as  shown in (b). All na-type adjectives behave as nouns
          when they are used before the copula da, as shown in (c).
            (b)  Ziba%&~~
               (Health is important, you know.)
               cf.  ?%&&A
                   (a healthy person)
                 LL*?   bt
               (I'll never forget your kindness.)

               cf.  QYl&A
                   (a kind person)
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