Page 25 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 25

         s.0.  go,'  korosu  'kill,'  miseru  'show,'  nakasu  'make  s.0.  cry,'  noseru  'put,
        place'),  exchange (such as ageru 'give,'  mow 'receive,'  kureru 'give'),  crea-
         tion (such as tsukum  'make,'  kaku  'write,'  kangaeru  'think'),  communication
         (such as hanasu  'speak,'  oshieru  'teach,'  tsutaeru  'convey  a  message')  and
         others.  Note that some English transitive verbs are intransitive in Japanese.
              *LL  <a*
          (a)   %LCiZWi4&o
              (lit. With me a car exists.  (= I have a car.))

          (b)  ~G~&&FL\~,
              (lit. To me money is necessary.  (= I need money.))
                       3*i L'<
          (c)  X~X2tvCm~~~fl53~~6~
              (lit. To  Mr.  Smith Chinese is understandable.  (= Mr.  Smith under-
              stands Chinese.))
          (d)  %LW~ ~~~5~ii.a~
              (lit. To me French is a bit possible.  (= I can speak French a little.))
                      ti Sri
          (e)  %?2tvCi~3X~&2 tv~:43~,,
              (Mr. Kinoshita met his father in Tokyo.)
          (f)  %Lb:biWWWLX&fi>3t:0
              (lit. To me the bell wasn't audible.  (= I wasn't  able to hear the bell.))
                      b.  I:*&
          (g)  Z~~c;CiF3*t-LL-n~W,k.?&tk0
              (lit. From here Mt. Fuji is visible.  (= We can see Mt. Fuji from here.))
              bkLk3   Ld.L+tL
          (h)  %L iBCih@%&V   % L fc0
              (We rode a bullet train.)
          (i)  %LC~@K&TL\~ LI/~,
              (It seems that I resemble my mother.)

        Verbal   A sentence element which indicates the action or state of the sub-
        ject.  A verbal is either a verb, an adjective, or a noun followed by a copula, as
        in (a) - (c).
              bLL   :Ld%  S d%  l:   *h.lri
          (a)  %L Ci+%MSB  7':  < 2 AM  %!  L tc,
              (I studied many kanji this term.)
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