Page 27 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 27

        Note that Japanese Wh-words are not always found in sentence-initial position;
        they  are frequently found after a topic noun phrase, as shown in (b) and (c)
          (b)  E%ElO,C-Y4  -c:c&%fl%a  Lk*,
              (lit. To yesterday's  party, who came there?  (=Who came to yester-
              day's party?))
              cf.  %d'E%Elm-Y4 -ma LTZ*,
                 (Who came to yesterday's party?)
          (c)  I~%TI~WB LM,
              (lit. In Japan what did you do?  (=What did you do in Japan?))

              cf.  mBEl$TL3  Lk&
                 (What did you do in Japan?)

        Yes-No Question   A question that can be answered by hai  / B 'yes'  or i~
         'no.'  (cf. Wh-question)
          Examples follow:
          (a)  A:  Y&S,LG&P  L~FZ~J~,
                  (Did Mr. Ueda come?)
              B:  Lib\,  %'b:L1zo
                  (Yes, he did.)

          (b)  A:  %&S,Lt&y&~.t&
                  (Is Mr. Suzuki a student?)
              B:  b\bx;i_, -?j Cebj ?I %-@,Lo
                  (No, he isn't.)
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