Page 23 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 23

             hf. L
          (a)  $L    / SAEKF
             (the newspaper I read)
          (b)  %L\   / ~%iPd&
             (a big house / a house which used to be big)

          (c)  Gw&%f:7k%&7
             (a magnificent building / a building which used to be magnificent)
          (d)  )3L\L;f3Q / )3~\L?jE7Tf;?--+
             (a delicious-looking cake / a cake which looked delicious)

        Punctual Verb   A verb that represents a momentary  action which either
        occurs once, as in (a), or can be repeated continuously, as in (b).
          (a)   b (get to know); kt;bh (die); %'a b (begin); $@rf b (get married);
              p@ b (stop s.t.); fkb (resemble)
          (b)  7k  2 rf  (drop); B T b (pluck off); if  z,  wck); kD (jump);   Olit)
        With the auxiliary verb iru, the punctual verbs in (a) express a state after an
        action was taken, and those as in (b) express either a repeated action or a state
        after an action was taken.       (+ Appendix 2 (DBJG: 582-84)

        Stative Verb   A verb which represents a state of something or someone at
        some point in time, as in (a).   (+ Appendix 2 (DBJG: 582-84)

          (a)  i%  b (exist   inanimate things)); b> b (exist (of animate things)); ba
              b (need); B%b  (can do)

        Subject   The subject is an element of a sentence which indicates an agent
        of an action in active sentences (as in (a)) or an experiencer of an action (as in
        (b)) or someone or something that is in a state or a situation (as in (c), (e) and
        (0). The subject is normally marked by the particle ga in Japanese unless it is
        the sentence topic.

          (b)  %~'~-&&:wr;;kf:,
              (Mary was praised by her teacher.)
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