Page 18 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 18

         2.  There are only two irregular verbs (i.e.,  kuru  'come'  and sun,  'do')  that
         belong to neither the Gr. 1 nor to the Gr. 2.

         Hearer   The person who receives a spoken or written message.  In this dic-
         tionary  the term  "hearer"  is used in a broader sense to mean the person to
         whom the speaker or the writer communicates.

         Imperative Form   A conjugated verb form that indicates a command, as in
         Hanase! 'Talk!,'  'Tabero! 'Eat it!,'  Shiro! 'Do it!'  or Koi! 'Come!'

         Indefinite Pronoun   A pronoun which does not refer to something specif-
         ically.  No in B's sentence in (a) is an indefinite pronoun.  Here, no is used for
         jisho  'dictionary,' but does not refer to a specific dictionary.
           (a)  A:  YAQ&#W& L~AT-+;~%~
                   (What kind of dictionary do you want?)
               B:  $5 bl(nW&~b>,L-r-+',
                   (I want a small one.)

         Indirect Object   The indirect object of a verb is the recipient of the direct
         object of the main verb, and is marked by the particle ni.  In (a), for example,
         the indirect object is Midori, a recipient of a scarf, which is the direct object of
         the verb yatta.  It can be inanimate, as in (b).  The main verbs which involve
         the indirect object are typically donative verbs (as in (a) and (b)).
           (a)  -,%b;t&P~l G:X7~--7%-?97:~
               (Ichiro gave a scarf to Midori.)
               fiuu.3   **?Lo3  3 it3   L cv   ~l dw
           (b)  6LW;th W~~:~AO;E&%%$R~:~
               (The typhoon brought great damage to the Kyushu area.)
         Informal Form   (eFormal1 Informal Forms)
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