Page 22 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 22

          Potential Form   A verb form that expresses competence in the sense of
          'can do s.t.'  The formation is as follows:
            Gr.  1 Verbs  Vcond + b   e.g.  &?  b (can talk)
            Gr. 2 Verbs  Vstem + l; kL&  e.g.  &< l; kL b (can eat)

                     Vstem + kLb   e.g.      (can eat)
            In: Verbs   &b            &l;ktb,       (cancome)

          Predicate   The part of a sentence which makes a statement about the sub-
          ject.  The core of the predicate consists either of a verb, an adjective, or a noun
          followed by a form of the copula da.  Optionally, objects and other adjectival
          and I or adverbial modifiers may be present.  In (a), (b) and (c) the predicates
          are printed in bold type.
            (a)  8%~ AIL& < Gi*i~o
                (Mr. Matsumoto sees movies often.)
            (b)  WO%I~X XPA~& GkV,
                (My house is newer than Mr. Smith's.)
                       1:   IIL z-   1E<rv
            (c)  7 3 2 CL El *%a)r;l.Y TdO
                (John is a student of Japanese language.)

          Prefix 1 Suffi   A dependent, non-conjugational word attached to nouns or
          the stems of  verbs and adjectives in order to form new  independent words.
          Prefmes are attached to the beginnings of nouns, etc.  (Ex.(a)), and suffixes to
          their endings (Ex.@)).
                $25 !5"  **+      h<EW -  b ~ 3        tr N. LX.
            (a)  if4 % 3. (superexpress); f4&   $3  (vice-president); BR W 42.  (indiffer-

          Prenominal Form   The verb I adjective form which precedes a noun and
          modifies it.  The bold-faced verbs and adjectives in  (a), (b), (c) and (d) are
          prenorninal forms.
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