Page 24 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 24

            (c)  ?>2-b&?ikLl/>j?,
               (Nancy is pretty.)

            (d)  F P ~ J L ~ ~ ~ ,
               (The door opened.)
               ?(*  *t
            (e)  #tfF-~&&,
               (lit. One table exists. (= There is a table.))
               (The sky is blue.)

          Subordinate Clause   A clause which is embedded into a main clause with
          a subordinate conjunction.  Qpical subordinate conjunctions are ba  'if,'  kara
          'because,'  node 'because,'  keredo 'although'  and noni 'although.'  Thus, in (a)
          below, the bold-faced clause with the subordinate conjunction node is embed-
          ded into the main clause Nakayama-san wa gakk6 o yasunda,  'Mr.  Nakayama
          was absent from school.'
                       htf  r~t
            (a)  Y~s LC~BWG~P~ ~T%~Q%LIL
               (Mr. Nakayama was absent from school because he had a headache.)
          The informal form of a verb / adjective is usually used in a subordinate clause.

          Suffi   (+ Ref=  / Suffix)

          Suru-verb   A verb which is composed of a noun and sum (Exs.(a) and (b))
          or a single 'word and suru (Ex.(c)).  Nouns preceding suru are mostly Chinese-
          origin words.  Sum-verbs conjugate in the same way as sum.
               -L  Lrl
            (a)  f% B * 5  (to study); #I!&* (to clean); &hda L j- 5  (to stay up

            (c)  %b b (to heat); %b b (to guess)

          Bansitive Verb   A verb that requires a direct object.  It usually expresses
          an action that acts upon S.O.  or s.t. indicated by the direct object.  Actions indi-
          cated by  transitive verbs  include real  causatives (such as  ikaseru  'makeflet
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