Page 26 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 26

            (b)  ZD&@C~~T~~~LL\,
               (This exam is very difficult.)
            (c)   Z t~ia&%f 9 7fkO
               (This is probably Italian.)
          Volitional Sentence   A sentence in which a person expresses his will.  The
          main verb in such sentences is in the volitional form, as in (a).

          Wh-question   A  question  that  asks  for  information  about  who,  what,
          where, which, when, why and how, as exemplified by (a) - (f) below.
                                                   (cf. Yes-No Question)
            (a)  %;3"&6 ~f:$l,
                (Who came here?)
            (b)  %.r&4wso
                (What will you eat?)

            (c)  Z~~:&3b3-i3',
                (Where are you going?)
            (d)  ~\3%!&% 4 3. rfiPo
                (When are you going back to Osaka?)

          Wh-word    An  interrogative  word  which  corresponds to  English  words
          such as who, what, where, which, when, why and how.  The following are some
            (a)  #!   (who); %  (what);  ? Z (where); L1 9 (when);  F j L T  1 /I?
                (how come I  why); ? 5  (how)
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