Page 111 - Makino,Tsutusi.DictionaryOfIntermediateJGrammar
P. 111
(1 gather that Mr. Suzuki wants to enter Kyoto University.)
[ (I don't know why, but that instructor's class is uninteresting.)
Ir' 5 6 bl (no matter how one tries, S.O. can't talk)
Ir' 5 Q $4 bl (no matter how one tries, S.O. doesn't eat)
Ir'i B 1 tsbl (I don't know why but s.t. isn't good.)
Ir'i C .e 2 bl (I don't know why, but S.O. is not good at s.t.)
(ii) Ir'i b- {V/Adj(i)]inf I6 Lbl/ d: 5 73
Ir' i b Z6-j- I 6 L bl / d: i El (I gather that S.O. is going to talk.)
Ir'i {L;Lbl/ kif) (1gatherthats.o.isgoingtoeat.)
Pi Qgbl { b LL.~ d: i 7':) (I gather that s.t. is expensive.)
B@;3. ( 5 Lbl / ;Fb k i 7:) (I gather that s.t. is quiet.)