Page 150 - New Agent Binder
P. 150


                                INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PRESENTATION


                  A comparatively small investment in time, money and effort can remove
                            many distractions and lead to strong offers from buyers.



       o   Trim trees, hedges and shrubs.                         o    Repair fences and gates.
       o   Remove dead or dying flowers inside                    o    Check roof shingles and replace or
           and out.                                                    repair if necessary.
       o   Put away outdoor tools and equipment.                  o    Remove debris from the roof.
                                                                       Clean gutters.
       o   Remove stains and clutter from                         o
           the driveway.                                          o    Replace damaged bricks and rotted
       o   Repair the driveway, sidewalks and                          wood.
           stairs.                                                o    Clean basement entry drains.

       o   Remove mildew or moss from walls                       o    Clean the chimney.
           and walks.                                             o    Stack the wood pile neatly.

       o   Touch up exterior paint.                               o    Replace or repair anything that
       o   Paint the front door and the garage door.                   sticks,
       o   Replace faded house numbers.                                squeaks or drips.
       o   Replace old door mats.
       o   Replace or paint weather-beaten

       o   Make sure the doorbell works.
       o   Clean outdoor light fixtures.
       o   Shine outside brass fixtures.
       o   Clean and repair patio and deck areas.
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