Page 151 - New Agent Binder
P. 151


                                                 IT’S SHOW TIME!

                                       How to Stage Your Home to Sell

                           o    Make beds.
                           o    Clean up dishes.
                           o    Empty wastebaskets.
                           o    Turn off televisions and music.
                           o    Put away clothing.
                      GENERAL EXTERIOR INTERIOR
                           o    Display decorative towels in bathrooms.
                           o    Open drapes and shades.
                           o    Turn on lights.
                           o    Make sure pet areas are clean and odor-free.
                           o    Empty litter boxes.
                           o    Make a fire in the fireplace.
                           o    Make sure the kitchen is clean.
                           o    Pick up toys and clutter.
                           o    Add a sanitizer to toilet bowls and keep lids down.

                           o    Keep the lawn trimmed and edged.
                           o    Weed flower gardens.
                           o    Pick up debris, toys and lawn equipment.
                           o    Tidy up after pets.
                           o    Park vehicles in the garage or on the street.
                           o    Add color with flowers and potted plants  turn on outside lighting after dark.

                           o    During showings, try to leave the property
                           o    Silence is golden if you are present for the showing.
                           o    Always put away your valuable items
                           o    Be flexible in the scheduling of showings
                           o    Set a comfortable temperature on the thermostat.
                           o    Fresh flowers are a nice touch.
                           o    Make sure all pets are confined to a safe and out-of-the-way place.
                           o    Only show the home when a sales professional is present.
                           o    Make sure all outside trash is contained in covered bins.
                           o    Maintain the property in ready-to-show condition.
                           o    Showcase your home as if you are receiving guests.
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