Page 22 - The Chosen People
P. 22

Answer Key

                   1.  “A plant growing in dry ground appears

                          stunted  and  unattractive.  The  Jewish

                          leaders  found  the  character  of  Jesus

                          unappealing” {4BC, 290}

                          “The Beloved of heaven was to them ‘as

                          a root out of a dry ground;’ He had ‘no

                          form  nor  comeliness;’  and  they  say  in

                          Him  no  beauty  that  they  should  desire

                          Him.  ‘He  came  unto  His  own,  and  His

                          own  received  Him  not.’”  (Isaiah  53:2;

                          John 1:11).

                          They were expecting Jesus to come as a

                          King to deliver them from the Romans.

                          But  they  were  not  to  be  attracted  to

                          Christ by a display of supernatural glory,

                          but by the beauty of a righteous life.
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