Page 33 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 33
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
when Satan was especially at work, it was
their duty to keep themselves pure from the
leaven of his evil doctrines. Hence they were
censured for harboring among them those
who held the doctrines of Balaam and the
Nicolaitanes. (See remarks on the
Nicolaitanes, verse 6.) What the doctrine of
Balaam was, is here partially revealed. He
taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before
the children of Israel. (See a full account of his
work and its results in Numbers, chapters 22-
25 and 31:13-16.) It appears that Balaam
desired to curse Israel for the sake of the rich
reward which Balak offered him for so doing.
But not being permitted by the Lord to curse
them, he resolved to accomplish essentially
the same thing, though in a different way. He
therefore counseled Balak to seduce them, by
means of the females of Moab, to participate in