Page 36 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 36
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
manna, white stone, and new name, to
spiritual blessings to be enjoyed in this life;
but, like all the other promises to the
overcomer, this one doubtless refers wholly to
the future, and is to be given when the time
comes that the saints are to be rewarded.
Perhaps the following from the late H. Blunt is
as satisfactory as anything that has ever been
written upon these several particulars: —
“It is generally thought by commentators that
this refers to an ancient judicial custom of
dropping a black stone into an urn when it is
intended to condemn, and a white stone when
the prisoner is to be acquitted; but this is an
act so distinct from that described, ‘I will give
thee a white stone,’ that we are disposed to
agree with those who think it refers rather to
a custom of a very different kind, and not