Page 34 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 34
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
the celebration of the rights of idolatry, and
all its licentious accompaniments. The plan
succeeded. The abominations of idolatry
spread through the camp of Israel, the curse of
God was called down upon them by their sins,
and there fell by the plague twenty-four
thousand persons.
The doctrines complained of in the church of
Pergamos were of course similar in their
tendency, leading to spiritual idolatry, and an
unlawful connection between the church and
the world. Out of this spirit was finally
produced the union of the civil and
ecclesiastical powers, which culminated in the
formation of the papacy.
Repent. — By disciplining or expelling those
who hold these pernicious doctrines. Christ
declared that if they did not do this, he would