Page 35 - 02 The Seven Churches
P. 35
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 2 – The Seven Churches
take the matter into his own hands, and
come unto them (in judgment), and fight
against them (those who held these evil
doctrines); and the whole church would be
held responsible for the wrongs of those
heretical ones whom they harbored in their
The Promise. — To the overcomer it is
promised that he shall eat of the hidden
manna, and receive from his approving Lord a
white stone, with a new and precious name
engraved thereon. Concerning manna that is
“hidden,” and a new name that no one is to
know but he that receives it, not much in the
way of exposition should be required. But
there has been much conjecture upon these
points, and an allusion to them may be
expected. Most commentators apply the