Page 17 - 43 Appendix
P. 17

The author of these forgeries is not known. It

               is  probable  that  they    emanated  from  the

               aggressive new church party which formed in

               the  ninth  century  at  Rheims,  France.  It  is

               agreed that Bishop Hincmar of Rheims used

               these Decretals in his deposition of Rothad of

               Soissons, who brought the Decretals to Rome

               in 864 and laid them before Pope Nicholas I.

               Among                 those             who            challenged                   their

               authenticity  were  Nicholas  of  Cusa  (1401-

               1464),  Charles  Dumoulin  (1500-1566),  and

               George                Cassander                    (1513-1566).                       The

               irrefutable  proof  of  their  falsity  was

               conveyed by David Blondel, 1628.

               An early edition is given in Migne Patrologia

               Latina,  CXXX.  For  the  oldest  and  best

               manuscript,  see  P.  Hinschius,  Decretales

               Pseudo-Isidorianae  et  Capitula  Angilramni

               (Leipzig,  1863).  Consult  The  New  Schaff-
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