Page 18 - 43 Appendix
P. 18
Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge
(1950), vol. 9, pp. 343-345. See also H. H.
Milman, Latin Christianity (Vols.), vol. 3;
Johann Joseph Ignaz von Dollinger, The Pope
and the Council (1869); and Kenneth Scott
Latourette, A history of the Expansion of
Christianity (1939), vol. 3; The Catholic
Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, art. “False Decretals,”
and Fournier, “Etudes sure les Fausses
Decretals,” in Revue d'Histoire Eccle ́siastique
(Louvain) vol. 7 (1906), and vol. 8 (1907).
Page 57. The Dictate of Hildebrand (Gregory
VII).—For the original Latin version see
Baronius, Annales Ecclesiastici, Ann. 1076,
vol. 17, pp. 405, 406 of the Paris printing of
1869; and the Monumenta Germaniae
Historica Selecta, Vol. 3, p. 17. For an English
translation see Frederic A. Ogg, Source Book
of Medieval History (New York: American