Page 23 - 43 Appendix
P. 23

For a discussion of the mass see The Catholic

               Encyclopedia,  vol  5,  art.  “Eucharist,”  by

               Joseph Pohle, page 572ff.; Nikolaus Gihr, Holy

               Sacrifice               of         the          Mass,             Dogmatically,

               Liturgically,  Ascetically  Explained,  12th  ed.

               (St.  Louis,  Missouri:  B.  Herder,  1937);  Josef

               Andreas  Jungmann,  The  Mass  of  the  Roman

               Rite, its Origins and Development, translated

               from the German by Francis A. Brunner (New

               York:  Benziger  Bros.,  1951).  For  the  non-

               Catholic  view,  see  John  Calvin,  Institutes  of

               the  Christian  Religion,  B.  4,  chs.  17,  18;  and

               Edward Bouverie Pusey, The Doctrine of the

               Real  Presence  (Oxford,  England:  John  H.

               Parker, 1855).

               Page             65.         The           Sabbath                Among                the

               Waldenses.—There  are  writers  who  have

               maintained  that  the  Waldenses  made  a

               general practice of observing the seventh-day
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