Page 26 - 43 Appendix
P. 26
For the literature of Waldensian texts see A.
de Stefano, Civilta Medioevale (1944); and
Riformatori ed eretici nel medioeve
(Palermo, 1938); J. D. Bounous, The
Waldensian Patois of Pramol (Nashville,
1936); and A. Dondaine, Archivum Fratrum
Praedicatorum (1946).
For the history of the Waldenses some of the
more recent, reliable works are: E. Comba,
History of the Waldenses in Italy (see later
Italian edition published in Torre Pellice,
1934); E. Gebhart, Mystics and Heretics
(Boston, 1927); G. Gonnet, Il valdismo
medioevale. Prolegomeni (Torre Pellice,
1942); and Jalla, Histoire des Vaudois et leurs
colonies (Torre Pellice, 1935).
Page 77. Edict Against the Waldenses.—A
considerable portion of the text of the papal
bull issued by Innocent VIII in 1487 against