Page 24 - 43 Appendix
P. 24
Sabbath. This concept arose from sources
which in the original Latin describe the
Waldenses as keeping the Dies Dominicalis,
or Lord's day (Sunday), but in which through
a practice which dates from the reformation,
the word for “Sunday” has been translated
But there is historical evidence of some
observance of the seventh-day Sabbath
among the Waldenses. A report of an
inquisition before whom were brought some
Waldenses of Moravia in the middle of the
fifteenth century declares that among the
Waldenses “not a few indeed celebrate the
Sabbath with the Jews.”—Johann Joseph
Ignaz von Dollinger, Beitrage zur
Sektengeschichte des Mittelalters (Reports
on the History of the Sects of the Middle
Ages), Munich, 1890, 2d pt., p. 661. There can