Page 22 - 43 Appendix
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History,  Vol.  1,  pp.  129-171.  Of  the  value  of

               this  historical  sidelight  Dr.  Lea  says  in  his

               opening  paragraph:  “Unvexed  by  the

               controversy which raged between Luther and

               Dr.  Eck  and  Silvester  Prierias,  Spain

               continued tranquilly to follow in the old and

               beaten  path,  and  furnishes  us  with  the

               incontestable  official  documents  which

               enable us to examine the matter in the pure

               light of history.”

               Page 59. The Mass.—For the doctrine of the

               mass  as  set  forth at the  council  of  trent  see

               The  Canons  and  Decrees  of  the  Council  of

               Trent In Philip Schaff, Creeds of Christendom,

               Vol.  2,  pp.  126-139,  where  both  Latin  and

               English  texts  are  given.  See  also  H.  G.

               Schroeder, Canons and Decrees of the Council

               of  Trent  (St.  Louis,  Missouri:  B.  Herder,

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