Page 25 - 43 Appendix
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be no question that this source indicates the
observance of the seventh-day Sabbath.
Page 65. Waldensian Versions of the Bible.—
On recent discoveries of Waldensian
manuscripts see M. Esposito, “Sur quelques
manuscrits de l'ancienne litterature des
Vaudois du Piemont,” in Revue d’ Histoire
Eccle ́siastique (Louvain, 1951), vol. 46, p.
130ff.; F. Jostes, “Die Waldenserbibeln,” In
Historisches Jahrbuch, 1894; D. Lortsch,
Histoire de la Bible en France (Paris, 1910),
ch. 10.
A classic written by one of the Waldensian
“barbs” is Jean Leger, Histoire Generale des
Eglises Evangeliques des Vallees de Piemont
(Leyden, 1669), which was written at the
time of the great persecutions and contains
firsthand information with drawings.