Page 6 - 11 The Voice of a Mighty Angel
P. 6
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
the redemption of man. Angels and beings of
unfallen worlds behold the bow, and bow in
reverence to the One on the throne. But the
human eye cannot look into heaven, so when
the Lord saved Noah and his family from the
flood, He placed this same sign in the clouds of
earth as a token of redemption. Like a little
piece of heaven transported to the earth the
bow is a reminder to man that God has toward
him constant thoughts of peace and thoughts
of righteousness. But the story is yet more
wonderful; for God not only looks upon the
bow about the throne, and is reminded of
man; but He looks upon the bow in the clouds,
and is drawn in heart toward earth. Every
cloud that floats in the sky contains a bow. The
cloud may appear dark and threatening to us;