Page 11 - 11 The Voice of a Mighty Angel
P. 11
Stephen N. Haskell
“Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
hand” Revelation 22:10.
secluded; that voice penetrated everywhere.
It echoed, and re-echoed through the world.
Men might think themselves secure, but the
sound shook the very earth, causing many a
heart to quake with fear. Though the voice was
so penetrating, those who turned their faces
toward the divine messenger, saw on his
brow, the rainbow of promise.
Nature herself seemed to respond to the cry;
for as the sound rolled through the earth,
seven thunders uttered their voices as if in
response. It is useless to speculate on the
meaning of the thunderings; for while John
understood, he was bidden not to write the
things which he had heard.