Page 12 - 11 The Voice of a Mighty Angel
P. 12


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               The mighty angel, having the little book open

               in one hand, lifted up the other hand to heaven

               and  “sware  by  Him  that  liveth  for  ever  and

               ever,...that  there  should  be  time  no  longer.”

               Jewish  history  was  divided  into  distinct

               periods by the prophetic writers. The bondage

               in Egypt was revealed to Abraham; it was also

               plainly  prophesied  that  the  Babylonish

               captivity  would  continue  seventy  years.  The

               birth of Christ was foretold by the prophets,

               the very year of His baptism was foretold by

               the  prophet  Daniel;  His  crucifixion  and

               rejection by the Jewish nation was also given

               in  an  unmistakable  way.  Christians  have

               taunted the Jews with blindness because they

               did  not  see  and  understand,  but  the  dates

               which cluster about the life of Christ are a part
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