Page 13 - 11 The Voice of a Mighty Angel
P. 13


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               of  the  time  prophecy  to  which  the  mighty

               angel pointed the world; they are a part of the

               same two thousand three hundred days which

               Daniel sought to understand, but which were

               sealed until the time of the end.

               A few years previous to 1840, men began the

               study of the prophecies of Daniel, and came to

               the  conclusion  that  the  two  thousand  three

               hundred days of the eighth chapter must end

               in  1844.  Thinking  that  the  cleansing  of  the

               sanctuary, spoken of in Daniel 8:14, referred

               to the cleansing of the earth at the advent of

               Christ, the second coming of the Saviour was,

               in  1840,  and  onward,  preached  with

               wonderful  power  throughout  the  world.  In

               America  the  movement  was  led  by  William

               Miller, in England, by Edward Irving; in Asia,
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