Page 10 - 11 The Voice of a Mighty Angel
P. 10


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               earth, having in his hand a little book open.

               Not closed, not sealed, but open. It was at the

               close  of  the  second  woe,  in  1840,  that  this

               angel  with the  open  book  of  Daniel,  set  one

               foot on the land and one on the sea. Men were

               busy  with  their  idolatry,  they  were  heaping

               gold  together,  rushing  to  and  fro,  neither

               seeing nor hearing anything, save that which

               ministered  to  their  earthly  desires.  Nations

               were busy with their own schemes, unmindful

               of the overruling hand of Providence. But the

               angel’s  message  embraced  the  whole  earth:

               standing with one foot on the earth and the

               other on the sea, “he cried with a loud voice”

               like the roar of a lion in the forest, and this cry

               awoke men from their slumber, and startled

               nations. No man was too humble, no place too
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