Page 42 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 42


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   The Cause of Banishment. — “For the word

               of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

               This was John’s high crime and misdemeanor.

               The tyrant Domitian, who was then invested

               with  the  imperial  purple  of  Rome,  more

               eminent  for  his  vices  than  even  for  his  civil

               position,  quailed  before  this  aged  but

               dauntless  apostle.  He  dared  not  permit  the

               promulgation  of  his  pure  gospel  within  the

               bounds of his kingdom. He exiled him to lonely

               Patmos, where, if anywhere this side of death,

               he might be said to be out of the world. Having

               confined him to that barren spot, and to the

               cruel  labor  of  the  mines,  the  emperor

               doubtless  thought  that  this  preacher  of

               righteousness  was  finally  disposed  of,  and

               that the world would hear no more of him. So,

               doubtless,  thought  the  persecutors  of  John

               Bunyan when they had shut him up in Bedford
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