Page 43 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 43


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   jail. But when man thinks he has buried the

               truth  in  eternal  oblivion,  the  Lord  gives  it  a

               resurrection in tenfold glory and power. From

               Bunyan’s  dark  and  narrow  cell  there  blazed

               forth a spiritual light, which, next to the Bible

               itself, has built up the interests of the gospel;

               and  from  the  barren  Isle  of  Patmos,  where

               Domitian thought he had forever extinguished

               at  least  one  torch  of  truth,  there  arose  the

               most magnificent revelation of all the sacred

               canon, to shed its divine luster over the whole

               Christian world till the end of time. And how

               many  will  revere  the  name  of  the  beloved

               disciple,  and  hang  with  delight  upon  his

               enrapturing  visions  of  heavenly  glory,  who

               will never learn the name of the monster who

               caused his banishment.  Verily, those words of

               the Scriptures are sometimes applicable, even

               to  the  present  life,  which  declare  that  “the
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