Page 45 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 45
~The Response of History to the Revelation~
Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
classes. 1. One class hold that the expression
“the Lord’s day” covers the whole gospel
dispensation, and does not mean any
particular twenty-four-hour day. 2. Another
class hold that the Lord’s day is the day of
Judgment, the future “day of the Lord,” so
often brought to view in the Scriptures. 3. The
third view, and the one perhaps the most
prevalent, is that the expression refers to the
first day of the week. 4. Still another class hold
that it means the seventh day, the Sabbath of
the Lord.
1.To the first of these positions it is sufficient
to reply that the book of Revelation is dated by
the writer, John, in the Isle of Patmos, and
upon the Lord’s day. The writer, the place
where it was written, and the day upon which
it was dated, have each a real existence, and