Page 47 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 47


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   which anything takes place.” It never means

               about or concerning. Hence they who refer it

               to  the  Judgment  day  either  contradict  the

               language  used,  making  it  mean  concerning

               instead  of  on,  or  they  make  John  state  a

               strange  falsehood,  by  saying  that  he  had  a

               vision upon the Isle of Patmos, nearly eighteen

               hundred  years  ago,  on  the  day  of  Judgment

               which is yet future!

               3.  The  third  view  is  that  by  “Lord’s  day”  is

               meant the first day of the week, a view by far

               the  most  generally  entertained.  On  this  we

               inquire for the proof. What evidence have we

               for  this  assertion?  The  text  itself  does  not

               define the term Lord’s day; hence if it means

               the  first  day  of  the  week  we  must  look

               elsewhere in the Bible for the proof that that

               day of the week is ever so designated. The only
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