Page 49 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 49


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   Battle Creek, Mich.) If this was the universal

               designation  of  the  first  day  at  the  time  the

               Revelation  was  written,  the  same  writer

               would  most  assuredly  call  it  so  in  all  his

               subsequent  writings.  But  John  wrote  the

               Gospel after he wrote the Revelation, and yet

               in that Gospel he calls the first day of the week,

               not  Lord’s  day,  but  simply  “first  day  of  the

               week.” For proof that the Gospel was written

               at a period subsequent to the Revelation, the

               reader is referred to such standard authorities

               as the Religious Encyclopedia, Barnes’s Notes

               (Gospels),  Bible  Dictionaries,  Cottage  Bible,

               Domestic  Bible,  Mine  Explored,  Union  Bible

               Dictionary,  Comprehensive  Bible,  Paragraph

               Bible,  Bloomfield,  Dr.  Hales,  Horne,  Nevins,

               and Olshausen.
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