Page 48 - 01 The Opening Vision
P. 48


                                 ~The Response of History to the Revelation~

                                          Chapter 1 – The Opening Vision
                   other inspired writers who speak of the first

               day at all, are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Paul;

               and they speak of it simply as “the first day of

               the week.” They never speak of it in a manner

               to  distinguish  it  above  any  other  of  the  six

               working  days.  And  this  is  the  more

               remarkable,  viewed  from  the  popular

               standpoint, as three of them speak of it at the

               very time when it is said to have become the

               Lord’s  day  by  the  resurrection  of  the  Lord

               upon  it,  and  two  of  them  mention  it  some

               thirty years after that event.

               If it is said that the term “Lord’s day” was the

               usual  term  for  the  first  day  of  the  week  in

               John’s day, we ask, Where is the proof of this?

               It cannot be found. But we have proof of just

               the contrary. (See History of the Sabbath, by J.

               N.  Andrews,  published  at  the  Review  Office,
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