Page 58 - 02 The Great Image
P. 58


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                    of the beasts of the desert; that their houses

               should  be  full  of  doleful  creatures;  that  the

               wild beasts of the islands should cry in their

               desolate  dwellings,  and  dragons  in  their

               pleasant palaces. Isaiah 13:19-22. It must first

               be deserted. Cyrus removed the imperial seat

               to  Susa,  a  celebrated  city  in  the  province  of

               Elam, east from Babylon, on the banks of the

               River  Choaspes,  a  branch  of  the  Tigris.  This

               was probably done, says Prideaux (i. 180), in

               the first year of his sole reign. The pride of the

               Babylonians  being  particularly  provoked  by

               this act, in the fifth year of Darius Hystaspes,

               B. C. 517, they rose in rebellion, which brought

               upon themselves again the whole strength of

               the Persian empire. The city was once more

               taken by stratagem. Zopyrus, one of the chief

               commanders of Darius, having cut off his own

               nose and ears, and mangled his body all over
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