Page 59 - 02 The Great Image
P. 59
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
with stripes, fled in this condition to the
besieged, apparently burning with desire to
be revenged on Darius for his great cruelty in
thus mutilating him. In this way he won the
confidence of the Babylonians till they at
length made him chief commander of their
forces; whereupon he betrayed the city into
the hands of his master. And that they might
ever after be deterred from rebellion, Darius
impaled three thousand of those who had
been most active in the revolt, took away the
brazen gates of the city, and beat down the
walls from two hundred cubits to fifty cubits.
This was the commencement of its
destruction. By this act, it was left exposed to
the ravages of every hostile band. Xerxes, on
his return from Greece, plundered the temple
of Belus of its immense wealth, and then laid
the lofty structure in ruins. Alexander the