Page 60 - 02 The Great Image
P. 60


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   Great  endeavored  to  rebuild  it;  but  after

               employing ten thousand men two months to

               clear away the rubbish, he died from excessive

               drunkenness  and  debauchery,  and  the  work

               was suspended. In the year 294 B. C., Seleucus

               Nicator  built  the  city  of  New  Babylon  in  its

               neighborhood, and took much of the material

               and many of the inhabitants, of the old city, to

               build  up  and  people  the  new.  Now  almost

               exhausted  of  inhabitants,  neglect  and  decay

               were  telling  fearfully  upon  the  ancient  city.

               The violence of Parthian princes hastened its

               ruin. About the end of the fourth century, it

               was used by the Persian kings as an inclosure

               for  wild  beasts.  At  the  end  of  the  twelfth

               century,  according  to  a  celebrated  traveler,

               the few remaining ruins of Nebuchadnezzar’s

               palace were so full of serpents and venomous

               reptiles  that  they  could  not,  without  great
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